Hybrid Working

What is Hybrid Working?

To put it simply, hybrid working is a flexible working model which allows employees to work from variety of different locations. Its meaning can be found within its name – ‘hybrid’. Think about hybrid cars. These combine both electric and traditional engines to create a vehicle which can seamlessly transition between the two. Similarly, hybrid working combines the option of working from home with the option to work in the office, or other public spaces.


Hybrid Working

What is Hybrid Office?

Hybrid office spaces embody the flexible nature of hybrid working. They may contain features such as greater communal areas and meeting spaces for the days teams decide to meet in the office. Or perhaps they might include foldable standing desks and dynamic furniture that can be stored or utilised depending on the number of staff in that day.

It was great to see so many large companies back the return to the office and everything that signals in terms of a return to in-person collaboration and improved mental health.

Learn more about Google’s decision to head back to the office here


Creating a post-pandemic office that works

There are a number of factors to consider when putting together an office space in 2022. For example, agility is key. it’s now more important than ever to invest in furniture that has multiple uses and can be easily moved. it’s important for even the most playful areas where people can relax to also have the capability to be used for laid-back meetings and brainstorming sessions.

All areas of the office need to ability to dress up and dress down so to speak. Agile workspaces improve collaboration, employee retention as a result of the flexible working approach as well as creating greater space efficiency.

Learn more here

Creating a post-pandemic office that works


UK Office Space

Real Estate as a Service (REaaS). High demand for the best office space. More emphasis on technology. These are just some of the current trends we are seeing in the UK office space. For example on tech, if businesses are to create a hybrid set up, they will need technology that enables them to do so. This could be anything from collaboration tools to video software that makes calls with multiple people more seamless. Employees will also want to be able to plug in and get started easily both at the office and at home.

In many cases, employers will look into upgrading their IT to better support hybrid working. But in other cases, employers will expect their landlords to provide this kind of service, which could make office space even smarter in the coming months and years.

UK Office Space



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